Monday, January 26, 2015

Week Two: Famous Last Words

Once upon a time, there was a pretty young girl named Chandler. She was very outgoing and excited to try new things. It was her last semester of college and she was well on her way to graduating on time. Yay! She was enrolled in 18 hours and very active in her sorority. She also worked two jobs to save for a brand new car. 
It had been two weeks of school and she noticed she was somewhat behind in her school work. So, she had to be honest with herself to find the root of her procrastination. Senioritis. Smh. The worst thing that could ever happen to her. Somehow she had to get back on track and stay focused on what was truly important to her, graduation. 
She decided to commit to study hours during the week and get work done ahead of time. She knew the route she was currently taking was not the route of success. As far as her extra curricular activities, she knew she had to schedule those accordingly.
She was the chairman of a regional conference event, chairman of a chapter event, and community service chairman for her chapter. She also had to find time to lose the freshman fifteen that she gained from the Caf. She designated each of these activities time during the week that did not interfere with her course work.
Luckily for Chandler, she figured everything out and got a handle on herself. She went through the semester completing tasks ahead of time and making excellent grade. Give her a round of applause. *claps*
If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, be honest with yourself as soon as possible. It is never too late to get back on course and focused on your goals. Always know that there is someone that has been where you are or has it worse than you do. You can do it!

Source: The Harmonic Oscillator


  1. I totally agree with you on that, it is never too late to change the path you are in the present! Glad to hear you realized what was going on and then got back on top of everything. I am a junior now, so I know I will hit that soon. Last year, I hit the sophomore slump...HARD. I was so lazy and had no motivation. Luckily, I did really well in my classes but I definitely made some close calls. But thanks for writing about this, I will remember it when I am going through the senior struggles :)

  2. Hello, Chandler! Even though I am only a junior, I can totally relate to this. Senioritis affects all types of people at all times, haha. But congrats on the ability to not only be honest with yourself, but also to schedule your time efficiently so that you can do everything you want and still stay on top--hopefully one day I will reach that apogee of efficiency, lol.
